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This is the company I placed my pre-loved Ian Stuart wedding dress. It was not sold and when I called to arrange to take it back I discovered it had been given to a charity shop. (This is in the pre-loved contract.) Dress Place claimed that only the day before I called had the dress left the premises in a consignment and gone to a local charity shop. I therefore was not worried as I thought it must either still be in transit or in the charity shops warehouse/storage. However, the charity shop claimed to receive a consignment but my particular wedding dress was not amongst the stock. The managers of both parties claim there was nothing either of them could do to help me. It is all very fishy. Just be extra careful with contracts and where your dress ends up. I have no idea where mine went. It was a pretty big dress and has just 'vanished.' I moved overseas and there is not a lot I can do from afar.

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