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The experience was far removed from that portrayed by their PR and attitudes changes as soon as our money was in their bank. The refused to issue dimensioned plans for the project and unbelievably we received an email telling us the project manager(owner) would no longer read or respond directly to client emails indicating verbal communication only would be acceptable to them. This trading practice benefits the company but puts customers in a very vulnerable position in the event of dispute e.g. incorrect installation, wrong appliances, poor workmanship, three week project extended to almost three months. We persisted with emails on all these topics and more and were categorised as difficult to please and labour was withdrawn from site. Again we received email from their office blaming us for their difficulties on other sites even though they had the use of the two fitters withdrawn available for those sites.Only when we informed them we would appoint other fitters to finish the project did they return to site to progress further but not finish to our satisfaction. Lack of project management and work scheduling abilities very amateurish - consideration to 75 year old pensioners - ZERO

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