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Please note i wouldn't even give this a 1 star but the system would not go any less! 3 engineers 3 hours to fit a headlight bulb in a zafira - sounds a joke - but true. When i asked why it was taking so long - an extremely rude engineer told me to do it myself! This was overhead by the Receptionist. Obviously complained to the management and basically after complaining to the head office also - managers response was that i must have "misinterpreted" what was said. All of the staff lied about the situation. Would I take my car there again - NO NO NO. I would deter anyone from using this dealership. Whilst waiting for my car I heard a conversation between the engineer with the service receptionist basically ripping off the customer for works apparently necessary. Even the receptionist questioned the engineer - only to be told that they would claim it back under the warranty! Totally rude, incompetent and liers. As for the complaints handling policy - well thats just a total waste of time!

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