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I left a blu-ray player with this company toward the end of September, and was assured the repair would take less than a week. Two weeks later, I called to see what progress had been made, and was informed that the engineer would call me back. Two further calls from me, and the engineer did eventually return my call. He explained the problem, the upgrades to the software required, and the cost involved, £90 less my initial payment of £30, a balance of £60. However, when I collected the item, I was asked for £92, considerably more than quoted. I complained, and the response was, that ‘if I was unhappy, they could take the parts out’. They could do nothing about the price, 'as they would be out of pocket'. - Actually, I'm the one out of pocket! Not exactly, good customer service or an adequate response. The repair, took three weeks longer than expected, the communication was dire, and the quote I received from the engineer was worthless. No apology whatsoever! My experience with this company, would NOT lead me to recommend them to anyone! DREADFUL!

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