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its early days yet folk's but watch this space! i was subject to a recall on my vectra last year like many others regards to a handbrake fault. i took the vehicle into pentagon at daybrook, but what mystified me was that as i left the vehicle round the back i walked to the front of the building and as i was about to enter the showroom when someone shouted my name and said the vehicle is ready. at a rough guess it was probably between 45 seconds and a minute and half. i was further staggered to receive a sticker from vauxhall to display on my sunvisor warning to leave the vehicle in gear at all times(this seemed to me like warning you it could happen again). 4 weeks ago low and behold yep you've guessed it , my vehicle was parked on a hill and it was the worst feeling in my whole life to turn round and see my vehicle rolling down the hill backwards. it was school time with children in close vicinity , my heart fell out as i tried to chase the car and warn oncoming traffic about what was happening. still to this day i feel sick when i think what would have happened if a couple of kids had been walking by. the car suffered rear damage obviously and it completely demolished a house wall. i have contacted vauxhall at luton and told them all about it . in fairness i am waiting with baited breath because the guy i have spoken to so far (mike) has been very understanding. he told me to send in all the relevant documentation and i sincerely hope that we are going to be able to come to a ammicable agreement regards the cost of the damage.. i much prefer to do it this way than have to revert to other methods of persausion i will keep you posted on the outcome.

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