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Manpower is a renowned organisation with many strong ties with extremely reputable and influential organisations such as Boots, E.ON and much, much more. I currently work at the University of Nottingham and the mention of the name ''Manpower'' was quickly understood by my Managing Director, just proving that it is both well-known and well-founded as an organisation that really aids job-seekers in not only finding employment, but also providing potential employees with a means of developing both professionally and personally in order for future job prospects to widen; the company headliner can be easily understood with first-hand observation of their work, 'Anything is possible, because it is humanely possible'. If you're looking for a job or if you're looking for employees, look no further, ''Manpower' is the organisation you need to seek out. I hope this review was helpful (the only reason it's 4 star is because for anything to be '5 star' it would have to be perfect; of which no organisation realistically is - please consider this organisation one of the best out there for its purpose and mission statement) and will guide you towards a bright future. Best Wishes, Owen Freeman.

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