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I used tanners to rent a property for myself and my family, I was very impressed at the speed in which I was able to move in and the assistance provided to set everything up. That is where any thing good stopped. Once I was in the property I found numerous issues across the 11 months that I was there. Reporting each issue as I found them. However the speed at which any effort was made to fix the issues such as a hole it the roof or windows that didn't close properly was far longer than should be expected. Each time I phoned to follow up on a report I felt fobbed off with excuses and that there was no one on my side wanting the issue fixed. When I filed a complaint it was ignored and no effort was made to follow up or apologies as a result of my complaint. Over a month after moving out of the property I am still chasing money owed to me and no one seems to know where that money is or when I should have it. This IS NOT a service I would use again or recommend to any one looking to rent a property.

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