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Avoid unless you want your car damaged! Parked here while going ice skating on 18/2/2014 ,came back to find someone had taken a key and decided to do a lovely job to the paintwork on my car,so much for thinking my car would be safe and surprise surprise no cctv covering the area i parked,despite being next to the stairwell and lifts! surely the prime area to have covered one would have thought. NCP useless didnt want to know just stood and said what you want me to do,report to police who tell me this is a hotspot for this damage happening to cars on a regular basis,so why the hell are NCP doing nothing about it,they make enough from their extortionate fees ,yet fail to properly secure the cars that use their facility from damage.Not impressed at all,I hope they agree to get all the damage to my car fixed as had I not chosen to park there my car would still be in perfect condition. Also putting a warning up to advise customers may be a good idea so they have the option to risk it or go elsewhere

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