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Decided to go because a friend had a lovely tattoo done with them and my friend had a good experience. So went with said friend and the receptionist, who may also be a tattoo artist himself, was blatantly rude. He treated us as if we were first timer with tattoos and clearly sneered at us. Another tattoo artist then came along and acted in the same way. Went to them thinking they were experts and would like to get their opinion but instead got cut off most of the time I was trying to explain. It wasn't like I was getting a small simple tattoo. It's a detailed memorial tattoo. Kept saying I was vague even after all the details I gave but somehow even though I was "vague", they quoted me for £300+ and said it would take 5 hours but I should come back with more details cause they can't book me in with so little details. What a joke.

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