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The response by the manager to customer service at Shuropody in Nottingham leaves much to be desired. This was my fourth purchase of shoes over two years, previously having been satisfied with the comfort and quality. This time I bought a pair of Ecco Crisp lace up shoes, which after a few hours wear resulted in a painful blister on my right heel and an emerging one on the left. I returned the shoes complete with receipt as I wondered whether there was an issue with this style or batch of footwear. I was told there was nothing wrong with the shoes and that it was probably the socks I'd worn and the fact that I'd worn them to fly to a holiday destination would have made my feet swell up - I had to inform her I hadn't actually been on a plane. She said that I probably hadn't worn them in, irrespective of the fact that every pair of shoes I'd previously bought were worn all day from day one with no blems. In short I was told to go away and wear them in and that if there was still a problem to return in a few weeks. I really hope we won't be having another difficult conversation about my possibly wasted £75 pair of shoes as I never want to enter that shop again. Her attitude was not appropriate. In contrast the advice and sympathy I received in Boots when I went to buy dressings for the blister was second to none. Shuropody have just lost a customer, sadly for chirpody too - the chiropodist I saw when I bought the shoes was excellent - but I really don't trust the quality or the service. In this retail climate one would think that retailers would put customer satisfaction first.

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