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I completely agree with anything positive said. I have been going every week for almost 10 years (believe it or not) and the service has been, on the whole, excellent. I don't know if everyone else here happened to go on a a day when it was worse that usual but I've always found it prompt and friendly. The staff are always kind and chatty and up for a laugh but still work at the same time and I've never seen anyone have too queue for more than about 12 minutes, usually people are in and out. The food is just great, proper chips that are always soft and fresh and the fish is crispy and flaky. and, despite what I've read on this page, the portions are VERY reasonable and just right. Regular chips provides way more than enough for one and I certainly wouldn't expect, nor require a large chips at £2.10 to stretch to more that two people, and it does. Please don't shut this place off for anything else on here, I have been regular for so long and I can't think of anywhere else you should go over captain cod.

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