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Very disappointed with the service provided by Morleys
I placed an order for a blazer and received a text stating the order had arrived. I went to collect the order only to be told that when orders arrive an automated text is sent to all customers requiring the same item but on this occasion my item had not arrived, so wasted journey. I've try phoning the shop only to hear a pre-recording asking me to leave my details and I will be called back. It's now 17:50hrs and no call has been received. My son now has to attend his first day at school without a key piece of uniform.
Having dealt the Morleys for a number of years and listened to the complaining parents who stand waiting for orders which never arrive on time, I'm surprised they're still in business. The school terms are the same every year and it's always the same circus every time. The poor staff stand looking red faced and embarrassed to have to keep apologising to customers, I can't knock their hard work. Management need to pull their finger out and sort it.    05-09-16
